Every social media channel has its own personality and ways of communicating. Twitter for example is perfect social media for conversations and trending topics, while like LinkedIn is good for sharing professional expertise and organizational information.

It is very important to spend some time understanding the channels you’re considering and make sure you know the communication protocol. This will not only help you choose the right channel for your business, but it will also help you avoid communication faux pas.

Here are some useful tips to help you find your audience.

Facebook reports more than 2.7 billion users but even with such a large database, it’s important to remember how people use Facebook; to build relationships and keep contact with old friends. This makes it a good network for connecting with potential customers and building the loyalty of your existing customer base.

As you assess Facebook as a potential channel for your business, carefully consider your business goals. If you’re building a dedicated following of clients and you need a way to keep in touch with them, Facebook is a great option for your business.

Twitter is a great social media network for build brand awareness. Twitter utilizes the hashtag, which organizes conversations around a word or phrase. By searching hashtags, you can learn what people are talking about so you can craft your tweets to take part in popular conversations. Twitter can offer insight into what topics are trending, Twitter is often used by news outlets to find stories.

Pinterest is used for “scrapbooking” or, in other words, saving content by “pinning” photos or videos to a virtual bulletin board. Female users dominate the Pinterest demographic. Some of the most common pins are recipes, style ideas, striking photographs, and DIY crafts. Since Pinterest is a visual-based platform, you’ll need strong graphics to engage users. Successful business use of Pinterest has been linked to strong retail sales.

Although YouTube boasts 2.3 billion users, its reach extends far past that. You don’t have to sign up to be a user to view content on YouTube. As a result, YouTube has become one of the biggest search engine platforms. Many of these searches are for “How To” videos. Service industry businesses that can offer this type of content work well on this platform, along with lifestyle and educational videos.

LinkedIn has the distinction of being the most utilized platform for older audiences. It boasts the largest users among ages 30-49. LinkedIn is also unique because it has a narrow focus. People use LinkedIn to search for jobs and to network professionally. As a result, the platform is useful for B2B lead generation, general networking, as well as recruiting employees.

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing platforms, especially among a young audience. Like Pinterest, Instagram relies on photos or videos for conversation. As a result, this platform works really well for visual-based businesses, like art, food, retail, and beauty. Because it’s a growing platform, there’s less noise than Facebook. This means the platform is useful for generating leads because your reach is wider.

TikTok is known for its short-form videos. Like Pinterest and Instagram, TikTok is best for visual-based businesses like art, food, retail, beauty, and some service industries. TikTok has a very young demographic. The platform is useful for targeting the 18-24 age group and building brand awareness. Need help choosing the right social media Network for your business? Learn More or Contact Us Now